Build A Better Africa By Helping The Needy


“Uniting To Build A Better Africa To Transform One Person And One Community At A Time.”
Dr. Nicku Kyungu Mordi
Maasai Project
Building Water Wells
The water well on the video is at the Mbala Maasai school. ATE was given 50 acre land and materials to build a clinic. We need a volunteers who can build.
Please contact us if you are interested to help with the Maasai project.
ATE thanks everyone who has donated towards the project of providing clean water in the villages of Africa, especially Tanzania. ATE has now built three wells with the fourth one soon to be completed.
- Chanika (June 2011)
- Mahina Bugarika Mwanza (March 2013)
- Mbala for Maasai (May 2015)
Costs of a water well may vary from $10,000 to $15,000. In some areas, it is difficult to locate the water level, requiring engineers to dig below 75 feet or to use expensive machinery designed for boreholes.
In July 2011, Operation Blessings International sponsored the building of a water well 75 feet deep. A generator pumps water to a 5,000 liters water tank for storage. ATE, local government officials and community leaders united and dedicated the completed project to the community of Chanika, Tanzania. This well will provide clean water to about 5,000 people.
ATE thanks partners like you who will unite with us to help the needy.
Women Empowerment Projects

Our mission is to “transform one person and one community at a time”. For us this is not just a statement, Dr. Mordi and ATE partners strive to use every resource to help others. Can you imagine what change will that bring to communities if many more people were involved?
Our Mission
The results of our sponsorships.
- We educated many young needy children who now work in different parts of the country as well as in Uganda.
- Their occupation include accountants, teachers, ophthalmologist, IT.
- One of our students is doing very well in a very prestigious school in Abuja, Nigeria.
- Many more are admitted to good middle schools.
The street children of Mwanza now have a new educational facility “Dr. NKM Academy: English Medium School”. We dedicated it in July 2022. There are many children who need help and the school director wants to expand in some other areas. Since there is no transportation for those living far away. Thank you for your partnership to transform one community at a time.
Students Who Benefited
From Our Sponsorships
- ATE supported Joyce who is now working DHL as an accountant in the capital city of Dar es Salaam.
- Renzo has started medical school in Moshi.
- Rehema has started school in Nigeria.
- Two other children have been admitted to middle school.
- Children of Mwanza now have a place to learn because of your support and prayers.
Village Of Igale In Mbeya
Africa Transformation Embassy leaders travel to many different countries. What they observe almost everywhere is that in poor areas children are the ones who suffer the most.
These are pictures of Igale. Imagine how many African children learn under very difficult circumstances. They have no roads, run down buildings, leaking roof, and often no desks. With little resources A.T.E. in partnership with I GO ministries are doing their best to help. In Igale there was a road that was impossible for students to walk on when it rained! By building better classrooms and giving desks, students self esteem raised to a different level
Mlandizi School

Mlandizi plans to combine education and a farming project at the Shalom nursery school for economic sustainability. From an early age students can learn how to protect the environment by planting trees and vegetables. This school was born from a vision of a missionary pastor’s wife, who saw many children wandering on the streets of Mlandizi and wanted to provide an education for them. This school became a refuge for many orphans and needy children.
Currently, there are around 30 children enrolled. This school has produced good mature citizens; some have become leaders in their profession. The school consists of only one building and land is available for expansion. It’s in Africa Transformation Embassy’s intentions to renovate the school and to continue helping needy children. Your kind consideration and support will be much appreciated.
Masebe School

Children of Masebe are currently in dire need to have a library and to connect with students in America. Masebe is a community full of bright people and fertile land but no tools to help them improve their lives.
A.T.E. seeks partners to help the village of Masebe and the Mapambano Elementary School make use of their natural resources to increase their income and escalate the development. Pictures taken July 2022. There is a lot of potential for development and success.
Nongoma School

Nongoma school keeps on expanding; there are 500 students enrolled in the Martha Beyer School. Most of the students pay the minimum while other orphans and needy children are being educated for free. We need volunteers and partners to travel to Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa to teach. We also need volunteers to do the construction of dormitories and teachers’ living quarters. There is much to be done. See pictures of beauty and opportunities.
Pictures from 2010

Pictures from 2022
ATE Community Projects
ATE In Collaboration With I GO Ministries


“I was taken to another community where women started going into the neighborhood to help other women farm, the same story, people wanted to know where they were going to church. Many started receiving Christ. A church started that is helping all kinds of people. Most of them don’t have jobs, they raise church building funds by doing different labor in their community. Now other villagers are giving them work in order to help with their building project. Please make a donation. We sent $2000 to both churches to encourage them.” – Regina Asihene

“The entire leadership is involved in building a church & a community center for children’s activities. I was in tears because I did not have anything to give, but with your help, we can!”
Local Communities

Humanitarian Help Gallery

Catherine is a widow with four children. She suffered a difficult life until this ministry gave her a place to live. She started homeschooling her children. She has twin sons, Kurwa and Doto (picture). Pastor Addae Mintah of Agape Life Ministries is now sponsoring this widow and her children. the Agape Ministries helped to educate the twins
Widow And Orphan Support

Pictures show different needs that we helped with. We need more donations from you to change their lives for the better.